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Vivien Escouflaire is a contestant from Koh-Lanta: Viêtnam.


Profile retrieved from[1]

La devise de Vivien pourrait être "doucement le matin, pas trop vite le soir", et son pire cauchemar, se lever! A 20 ans, ce lycéen vit chez sa maman et celle-ci est très inquiète pour l'avenir de son fils chéri : Elle s'échine à lui faire comprendre que sans travail et sans effort, il est difficile de s'en sortir. Vivien affirme que lorsqu'il est motivé, il peut trouver les ressources pour avancer! Avant de passer son Bac, le jeune lycéen espère que Koh-Lanta le fera grandir...


Before the contestants even got on the boat, Denis Brogniart informed them that they would have to immediately decide upon two among them to not join the rest on the boat. Believing that this was an elimination, Véronique Bègue and Boris Deltell sacrificed themselves for the other contestants. The other sixteen contestants said their goodbyes and got on the boat, which was headed to an island where they would be divided into two tribes the next day. When swimming to this island from the boat, Alain Merdel almost drowned, but Claude Dartois saved him and helped him get to the island. As the contestants trekked towards the north side of the island, Virginie Mercadal Pioli cut her upper eyelid by bumping into a branch. That night, Vivien and Alain found the island's watering hole and the sixteen contestants settled in for the night. The next day, they finished their trek and Denis Brogniart revealed that the two tribes would be divided by gender. Thus, Vivien was assigned to the Do tribe and they immediately competed against the Vang tribe in their first Reward Challenge, which they lost. Upon arriving at their camp, they encountered Véronique, who had arrived there the day before by helicopter and who would be their sole female tribemate instead of being eliminated. Within the same hour, the Do tribe succeeded, in huge part thanks to Philippe Duron, in making fire. Meanwhile, Vivien seemed helpless throughout the day as he didn't contribute much around camp, he felt unwell due to fatigue and the heat, and he even got lost in the darkness when fetching water before the tribe went to sleep. The next day, the Do tribe won the first Immunity Challenge, earning them safety from Tribal Council.

The Do tribe won the second Reward Challenge and, in turn, selected Abdellah Akriche, Véronique, and Kunlé M'Babacéré Pakorona to purchase fruits for them from a Vietnamese market as part of the reward. Meanwhile, the remaining members of the Do tribe, with the exception of Vivien, resumed work on the shelter that they had started constructing the day before upon returning to camp. The next day, the Do tribe lost the second Immunity Challenge. Upon their victory, the Vang tribe was offered the right to exchange Boris for Véronique, however, they turned down this offer. Though Vivien knew that Tribal Council was looming and that he may be in danger, he remained withdrawn from doing camp chores. In spite of this, he woke up early the next morning and began to contribute more. At Tribal Council, Denis Brogniard commented that he had never seen a tribe as tight as the Do tribe before on Koh-Lanta. However, someone had to be eliminated and Vivien was voted out unanimously for his inactivity around camp and his weakness.

Voting History[]

Episode Vivien's
Voted Against
1 Do Tribe Immune
2 Véronique Abdellah, Alain, Claude, Jean-Pierre,
Kunlé, Philippe, Valentin, Véronique
Voted Out, Day 6

Post Koh-Lanta[]



Koh-Lanta: Viêtnam Castaways
FRS12 abdellah t
FRS12 alain t
FRS12 audrey t
FRS12 aurelie t
FRS12 boris t
FRS12 claude t
FRS12 frederique t
FRS12 jennifer t
FRS12 kunle t
FRS12 laurence t
FRS12 marine t
FRS12 philippe t
FRS12 valentin t
FRS12 virginie t
FRS12 vivien t
FRS12 wafa t