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Delphine Bano is one of the Dual Survivors of Koh-Lanta: Bocas del Toro.


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When Julie Bourdon was permanently evacuated from the game on Day 11 and previously eliminated contestant Sophie Guilloix did not return to the game in Julie's place due to her foot wound, Delphine entered the game on the Boro tribe in her place on Day 18. Upon her entry, her tribemates were impressed with her challenge prowess and she bonded the most with Hélène Patry, who was also a joker contestant.

During the Ambassadors' Meeting before the merge, Isabelle Seguin of the Machiga tribe immediately suggested Moussa to Delphine as the Ambassadors' vote for the first merge elimination. Delphine agreed and they contemplated the possibility of a female alliance between themselves, Valérie Dot, and Hélène, but this ultimately did not happen. When the two tribes merged, Moussa Niangane, an original Machiga tribe member, immediately informed the original Boro tribe members that he is willing to flip on his original tribemates. At the first merge elimination, Sébastien Loew was voted out by Moussa and the original Boro tribe members. The possibility of a female alliance between Delphine, Valérie, Isabelle, and Hélène was revived at the final seven. Knowing this, Moussa and Moundir Zoughari, using polar opposite tactics, gave arguments to Delphine and Hélène as for why they should continue working with the three males and stick to the original plan. They succeeded and the five voted out Valérie at the merged tribe's second elimination.

By the time there were six contestants remaining, although the tribe was appreciative of Antoine Sanchez's strong worth ethic, they had plans to vote him out at the next elimination because they were annoyed by some of his antics, such as his complaining when his fishing excursions were less fruitful and his patronization of the female contestants when it came to some of the tasks around camp, and because of allegations that Antoine had made bigoted remarks concerning Moussa and Moundir. Hélène and Moundir had given their word to Antoine earlier in the game that they wouldn't vote against him, but they were fully aware that Delphine, Moussa, and Isabelle were voting against Antoine and supported it. Therefore, Antoine was voted out in a 3-2-1 vote, but was not eliminated from the game and was instead exiled for 48 hours where he missed out on the next Reward and Immunity Challenges. This occurred because Philippe Huquet was permanently evacuated due to an infection on Day 14 and Linda Penard refused to return to the game in Philippe's place due to the tension between her and Moundir.

Delphine and Isabelle voted for Antoine again at the next elimination, but the three males voted out Hélène due to her challenge prowess and due to her and Delphine's exaggeration of what Antoine had said about Moundir's religion earlier in the season. At the final five, feeling that any pact between the two of them was now over, Antoine joined Delphine and Isabelle in voting out Moundir because they felt that he would be hard to compete against in the finale and because they felt that he did not deserve to make it any further.

After winning the Perch challenge at the final three, Isabelle chose to take Delphine to the Final Two where, for a variety of reasons, they each received three votes to win and were both crowned the first ever Dual Survivors of Koh-Lanta.

Voting History[]

Episode Delphine's
Voted Against
Entered the Game, Day 18
6 Boro Tribe Immune
7 Sylvie -
8 Sébastien -
9 Valérie -
10 Mock Vote1
11 Antoine -
12 Moundir -
13 Ineligible -
Jury Votes
for Delphine
Hélène, Moussa, Valérie
Co-Dual Survivor, Day 40

^1 In Episode 10, the merged tribe was subjected to a mock Tribal Council where the player who received the most votes was exiled for 48 hours.


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Koh-Lanta: Bocas del Toro Castaways
FRS3 alexandra t
FRS3 alexandre t
FRS3 antoine t
FRS3 candice t
FRS3 delphine t
FRS3 helene t
FRS3 isabelle t
FRS3 julie t
FRS3 linda t
FRS3 michel t
FRS3 moundir t
FRS3 moussa t
FRS3 philippe t
FRS3 richard t
FRS3 sebastien t
FRS3 sophie t
FRS3 sylvie t
FRS3 valerie t